“Giving the Gift of Life Act” Signed Into Law
Wednesday, May 04, 2022
Recently, House Bill 275, sponsored in the Senate by Senator John Albers (R – Roswell), known as the “Giving the Gift of Life Act,” was officially signed by Governor Brian Kemp.
“Many families in Georgia have experienced the difficult decision to either donate potentially life-saving organs or risk losing their insurance coverage,” said Sen. Albers. “After serving as a living donor to my son Will last year, I saw this struggle first-hand and was committed to finding a solution to ensure no potential donor would be unfairly penalized for their life saving act. HB 275 protects potential organ donors from losing their life insurance coverage, as well as incentivizes new donors by increasing the tax deduction available for organ donation. This day would not have been possible without the assistance of those who supported this measure throughout the legislative process. I want to thank Gov. Kemp for formally signing this measure into law so more Georgians will have access to life saving organ donations.”
House Bill 275 prohibits insurers from cancelling or refusing coverage under any life insurance policy due to that individual serving as a living organ donor. In addition, HB 275 increases the tax deduction for living organ donors to up to $25,000.
You can read the full text of HB 275 here: https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/59284

Sen. John Albers serves as Chairman of the Public Safety Committee. He represents the 56th Senate District which includes portions of Cherokee and North Fulton counties. He may be reached at his office at 404.463.8055 or by email at [email protected]