Senator Albers Applauds Senate’s Passage of SB 335
Friday, February 02, 2024
On Wednesday, Senate Bill 335, sponsored by Sen. John Albers (R–Roswell) passed by a unanimous, bipartisan vote through the Senate.
“This is an important step taken by the Senate toward protecting Georgia’s children,” Sen. Albers said. “While it’s unfortunate that this sort of legislation is needed, it is critical to continue fighting for every child in our state. I look forward to my colleagues in the House continuing forward with this bill so it will become law.”
With a vote of 49 to 0, the “Safeguarding Adopted Children from Sexual Violence Act” will provide that sexual intercourse or sodomy between certain family members related by adoption be regarded as incest. Incest is already illegal under Georgia law, and this legislation will now include adoptive families.
Sen. Albers worked closely with Susan K. Treadaway, District Attorney of Cherokee County on this bill.
“While it’s unfortunate that this sort of legislation is needed, it is critical to continue fighting for every child in our state. I look forward to my colleagues in the House continuing forward with this bill so it will become law. Thanks to great leaders like District Attorney Susan Treadaway, we are going to further protect children,” said Sen. Albers.
“I am deeply grateful to Sen. John Albers for his quick action in addressing much-needed revision of Georgia’s incest law. All children deserve to be protected from sexual assault. The steps taken by Sen. Albers and the Senate body are paving the path for prosecutors to ensure that these offenders are held accountable,” said Susan K. Treadaway.
You can find more information on SB 335 here.

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Sen. John Albers serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Safety. He represents the 56th Senate District which includes portions of Cherokee, Cobb and North Fulton counties. He may be reached at his office at 404.463.8055 or by email at [email protected]