Senator John Albers Recognizes Donate Life Georgia on Senate Floor to Commemorate National Donor Day
Friday, February 16, 2024
Today, Sen. John Albers (R-Roswell) Today, Senator John Albers stood before the Georgia Senate to honor Donate Life Georgia in recognition of National Donor Day. As an organ donor himself, Senator Albers understands the profound impact of organ and tissue donation firsthand, having donated one of his kidneys to save his son’s life.
Sen. Albers emphasized the importance of organ and tissue donation, stating, “Organ and tissue donation is a gift of life and a testament to the power of compassion and generosity. By registering as donors, individuals have the opportunity to save and heal lives, leaving behind a legacy of love and kindness. I will always work towards the mission of giving hope to the nearly 3,000 Georgians currently awaiting an organ transplant.”
Donate Life Georgia advocates for organ, eye, and tissue donation, urging Georgians to register their decision to save lives through various channels, including driver’s license offices, online registration at, and when obtaining hunting or fishing licenses through the Department of Natural Resources.
Sen. Albers’ recognition of Donor Day at the state capitol underscores the critical need for organ donation and honors the selfless individuals and their families who make donation possible.
The members of the Senate body commended the dedication of Donate Life Georgia and its member organizations in educating Georgians about organ, eye, and tissue donation. Feb. 15, 2024, is officially recognized as Donor Day at the state capitol, a testament to the collective efforts to save lives through donation.
Sen. Albers also recognized Sierra Pape with Senate Resolution 483 to applaud her work worked with the Georgia Department of Education to have the curriculum to teach Georgia students about organ donation and transplantation across our state.
For more information on SR 560, click here.

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Sen. John Albers serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Safety. He represents the 56th Senate District which includes portions of Cherokee, Cobb and North Fulton counties. He may be reached at his office at 404.463.8055 or by email at [email protected]